What Are Your Values? Use this quick exercise to find out

Values are tools in your toolbox to help you move through the random situations life throws at you. What are the most important things in your life?
Is Self-Care Selfish?

When we say “you can’t pour from an empty cup” it’s so simple to understand just how true that is. And yet, pouring into our own cup can be a deeply complex healing journey. One of the common beliefs I hear from others, and have had to untangle within myself, is that “Self-Care is selfish”. […]
I Followed My “Hell Yes” & It Changed My Life

The concept of “hell yes” energy is a simple one. When you feel “hell yes” energy you don’t have to think about your answer, or your next move, it just happens. Easily and like a no-brainer. The answer is an Emphatic HELL YES! And if you’re not getting a “hell yes”, it means it’s a […]
Invest in Yourself Daily: Why Self Care is Non-Negotiable (Especially as a Recovering Workaholic)

I usually reserve Fridays as my “weekend day,” where I get to just hang out in my energy and have no plans – but I practice self care every day. Daily self care had been my practice for nearly two years when I opened my first business, my grocery store in February 2018, when, for […]
Three Rules for Shadow Work to Reclaim Your Power

When we feel that someone is hurting us, it’s really a reflection of our own inner world. That’s a tough pill to swallow. But as difficult as it is to accept, I’m learning to embrace it by standing in this empowered place where I am fully responsible for my reality. So when somebody says something […]
Deservability Treatment

I woke up Saturday morning, July 9, 2016, and it became Day 1 of the rest of my life. The literal start to the day came as I popped awake with a Very Clear thought in my mind that fell out of my mouth as I let the awareness wash over me that I was Done with living a depressed life. Either I was going to figure out how to have a happy life, or I was done. That weekend I maxed out my self-care. My mantra was “I’m going to do self-care until I feel better.” I used every tool I’d come across. Gratitude, journaling, exercise, water, sunshine, meditation, and the crown jewel, the Deservability Treatment.
Spiritual Journey Check-In With Yourself

As we live, we learn, and we grow to understand ourselves more and more and more. This 15 minute self-assessment is meant to help you reflect on where you’ve grown to today. What is your current capacity? And what are you still practicing? I really enjoyed seeing which of these I felt really strong on […]
AQUARIUS: An Energetic Overview & Guide to Embracing the Water-Bearer

Overview of the Aquarius Archetype Aquarius is the second-to-last sign of the Zodiac and is a fixed air sign. Fixed signs indicate the middle of their season and are characterized by staying-power and stability. Ruled by: Uranus (modern), Saturn (ancient) Modality: Fixed (Winter) Element: Air If you have heavy Aquarius energy in your natal chart, […]
VENUS: Energetic Archetype & Qualities of the Lesser Benefic

Essential Dignities Domicile: Libra, Taurus Detriment: Aries, Scorpio Exaltation: Pisces Fall: Virgo Joy: 5th House Overview of Venus Energy Venus is the goddess of love, peace, and the arts, representing the finest things life has to offer. Venus spends about one month in each sign and rules both Taurus and Libra. Taurus is the feminine […]
URANUS: Energetic Archetype & Qualities of the Great Awakener

Overview of Uranus Energy Essential Dignities Domicile: Aquarius Detriment: Leo Exaltation: N/A Fall: Taurus Known as the Great Awakener, Uranus is electrifying, inventive, original. It has an 84-year orbit. It is said to be the higher octave of Mercury, representing the higher mind. Uranus is flashes of genius, or brilliant ideas. When that Uranian opening […]