Growth Mindset | Week of July 11 – 17 | Astrological Forecast

This week’s astrological focus is on the Capricorn Full Moon, happening Wednesday, July 13th

In the sign of the tactical Seagoat, this lunation encourages us to celebrate the structures of care that we’ve built so far this year, and to reevaluate what to say NO to versus what to say YES to moving forward.

Some Contemplations for this Capricorn Full Moon…

When we’re talking about Capricorn – your life’s work, your legacy – what if retirement isn’t the goal? 

  • If we’re doing work that only pays us in money, are we satisfied with that?
  • If your work pays you by feeding your soul, why would you ever “retire” from that?
  • What is the “why” behind what you want?

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