Tag: Spiritual Journey

Spiritual Journey Check-In With Yourself

Spiritual Journey Check-In With Yourself

As we live, we learn, and we grow to understand ourselves more and more and more. This 15 minute self-assessment is meant to help you reflect on where you’ve grown to today. What is your current capacity? And what are you still practicing?

I really enjoyed seeing which of these I felt really strong on and which were clearly elements I’m newer to practicing. I get excited when I think about 1 year from now, 5 years from now, doing this again and being able to compare how much growth is possibly in such a short time!

I hope you enjoy this free gift from my heart to yours. You may also enjoy these other interactive exercises:

Values Exercise

Toolbox Inventory

Deservability Treatment Video

Deservability Treatment Blog Post

Sending love your way!

~ Carly

Dream Now, Act Later: Neptune & Jupiter in Pisces, Spring Equinox, Sun in Aries

Dream Now, Act Later: Neptune & Jupiter in Pisces, Spring Equinox, Sun in Aries

These next four weeks will have big energy moving through the cosmos and our lives. The Jupiter conjunct Neptune transit in Pisces brings unbounded water energy, plus the cardinal-fire energy of Aries with its electric, primal life force energy is sure to bring visionary clarity to the big question of – who are you, really?