Tag: Transit Astrology

Believing is Seeing | Week of June 13 – 19 | Astrological Forecast

Believing is Seeing | Week of June 13 – 19 | Astrological Forecast

Key Upcoming Transits

  • Venus conjunct Uranus in Taurus at 16° | June 11 – 13
  • Mercury re-enters Gemini | June 13
  • Sagittarius Full Moon at 23° | June 14
  • Venus conjunct North Node in Taurus at 22° | June 16/17
  • Mercury clears shadow in Gemini | June 18

Soul Questions for This Week’s Two Main Transits

Mercury Re-enters Gemini | June 13

Ending its retrograde on June 3rd in Taurus, Mercury will now be re-entering Gemini as it forges ahead – though will be in a shadow period through June 18.

What is your brain curious about/fascinated by?

Sagittarius Full Moon | June 14

Over in Gemini’s sister sign, Sagittarius, a Full Moon will rise on June 14, highlighting our beliefs and ideals to show us which ones are or aren’t serving our highest good.

What are the goals of your beliefs?

When Opportunity Knocks: Venus & Jupiter in Aries + Mercury in Gemini | April/May 2022

When Opportunity Knocks: Venus & Jupiter in Aries + Mercury in Gemini | April/May 2022

Key Points

New energy is coming this week that is ready to match your intention and your level of belief in yourself. All the learning and clarifying we’ve done over these last five months of deep introspection, healing, processing, and releasing, has made way for the new that’s now coming in.

Venus and Jupiter entering Aries in particular will be bringing in what’s next for us. What has happened over the past five months that has made you into a new person? How have you transformed? What in your life has been cleared away? This energy is ready to meet you where you are, so depending on how much space you’ve opened up in your life and what it is you let go of, that’s how much “new” you’ll receive. If you cleared out 5%, you’ll get 5%. If you’ve released something bigger, like a job or a relationship, then you’ve cleared out 50% or even more – so that’s what’s coming to you!

This energy is a burst of our soul blossoming forward into the open space that we’ve created. From here, it’s a matter of how much you believe in yourself. How self-centered are you? All this Aries energy begs of us to get self-centered – literally centered within ourselves – to align with our purpose, our whole reason for incarnating here in the first place. It asks us to honor our soul’s mission. To quote comedian Hannah Gadsby – “what is the purpose of your human?” As you ponder that, don’t talk yourself out of any dreams or grand visions before they ever even stand a chance of manifesting in the physical world.

We’ve been creating space for this new version of ourselves that we can feel is coming, and that we received a preview of during the Aries New Moon on April 1st. In natural harmony with all of this newness comes the insatiable curiosity of Mercury in Gemini, whose energy will have us following the yellow brick road of our curiosity as it divinely leads us to exactly the right information and insights at the right times to get aligned with our highest path.

Transit #1: Venus & Jupiter in Aries | May 2 & May 11, 2022

As we have this natural burst of who we are come forward and show itself to us, can you avoid talking yourself out of it?

We’re revisiting this theme from the New Moon in Aries on April 1st (watch that week’s livestream), which served as an intentional preview of the next leading-edge version of who you came here to be. Being a preview, we weren’t supposed to become this version of ourselves immediately or all at once. With the heavy Pisces energy still present in the first half of April, we were still deep in the dreaming phase and only now are we beginning to enter the “make things happen” phase. We’ve been doing what needed to be done to make space for what’s next, and “what’s next” is now knocking at the door.

The fortuitous duo of the Greater Benefic, Jupiter, and the Lesser Benefic, Venus, is known for bringing good stuff into our lives. In Aries, it’s here to take the intentional preview from the Aries New Moon and actually make it happen, unfold it into reality. This is a fiery burst to help us pursue our dreams.  Venus will remain here through May 28, while Jupiter’s stay will extend through October 28, when its retrograde takes it back into Pisces. On December 20th, Jupiter will re-enter Aries for another five month stint – so consider this round one!

This is a fiery burst to help us pursue our dreams.

This energy is essentially nuclear power for your soul, so take advantage of it while it’s here. These next five months, as well as the first five months of next year, are bringing a burst of energy to your dreams that seeks to actually make them happen in the physical. The motivation of Aries is to claim what’s rightfully ours, so feel the fire of your soul and let it lead you to what you were born to do, who you were born to be. When you get out of your own way, what will come forward?

Venus in Aries | May 2 – 28

Venus in Aries brings a focus on facing fears related to intimacy. In this case, facing the fear with Arien courage looks like stating our needs and communicating what we want. Venus in Aries is very aware of its own side of the situation and is very good at directness, bold truths, and courageous authenticity. This energy is not one for bottling up feelings (and if it does, beware the pressure cooker of steaming resentment that will eventually explode!) It has a highly passionate nature and requires you to move your energy or exercise, especially through Venusian channels like music and dance. There’s nothing quite like turning the music up loud and dancing your heart out to shake out the cobwebs!

On the shadow side of this energy is self-righteousness, which stands in the way of true intimacy, as well as an over-fixation on “your side” rather than discussing, learning, and listening. We may dramatize matters or feel like seeking revenge, getting even. A shadow aspect of Aries is winning at all costs, so if you find yourself in this sort of shadow space, try to focus on seeking forgiveness and acceptance instead.

Jupiter in Aries | May 11 – October 28

What’s essential at this time is having clarity of intention. Set clear intentions and spend time thinking about what it is that you truly want. The chances of you getting what you want right now are greater than usual – so ask! Ask for what you want.

This is an energy that is very good at bouncing back from adversity. It has a very high resilience, is highly spirited, and organically possesses a determined sense of courage. It creates a greater level of self-knowledge by asking us, “who are you really, and what do you really want out of this life?” helping us to see more clearly what is for our highest good and the highest good of all.

On the shadow side, something to beware of is a potential inflation of the Self to epic proportions. Our Self is meant to be inflated as we pursue our dreams and passions, but we aren’t meant to live in a vacuum. Reground into your clear intentions and point yourself back in the right direction of your dreams, staying mindful that this energy doesn’t over-expand your ego.

Transit #2: Mercury in Gemini | April 29 – May 23, 2022

Mercury will begin its retrograde on May 10, traversing back through the early degrees of Gemini and re-entering Taurus territory on the 22nd. It’ll then station direct at 26° Taurus on June 2 and head back into Gemini on June 14, then remain there through July 5. Overall, that’s 47 days that Mercury will spend in Gemini – not an insignificant amount!

To make the most of these 47 days, my biggest piece of advice is to beware of boredom. Your need for stimulation will likely be heightened under this transit, and you must feed your curiosity! Mercury in Gemini wants us to be open to whatever we’re curious about and not hold back from exploring it, even if you don’t have a “logical” reason to be doing so. It wants us to trust in curiosity as its own divine path. There’s so much divine timing included in what we become curious about – exploring our curiosities can give us the right information or insight at exactly the right time. This can only happen if we allow ourselves to give in and get curious, and Mercury in Gemini offers an ideal energy for just that.

Trust in curiosity as its own divine path.

Key energetic aspects of Mercury in Gemini are free association, discovering, hunger for new ideas and information, a high desire for conversation with others, light and airy in our thoughts and ideas, channeling, downloads of insight, attention having a life of its own, open-mindedness requiring psychic hygiene, asking “what if?” endlessly, a potential for overthinking, connecting the dots in a new way, and going broad rather than deep. To that last point, Mercury in Gemini covers a lot of ground!

A willingness to learn naturally comes with a willingness to change. The mutable air energy of Gemini works better with this than the fixed Earth of Taurus (hence the stubbornness of the bull), so really use these periods of Mercury in Gemini as a time to embrace the changes and new opportunities brought about by Jupiter and Venus in Aries and the current eclipse season. You can utilize this flexible energy to adapt more easily and joyfully to any new things that might be coming your way. When we explore our natural curiosities and learn new things, we consequently must change our belief systems and way of thinking to accommodate our new knowledge. And as they say – change your mind, change your life.

In Conclusion

“Fire burns intuitively. It just does.”

-Rick Levine

During this time with Jupiter and Venus in fiery Aries, allow its cleansing flames to intuitively burn down whatever isn’t true to your authentic self, whatever is holding you back from pursuing or embodying your deepest purpose here on Earth. The time is now to carry out the steps necessary to make our highest vision of ourselves (supplied by the Aries New Moon)  a 3D reality.

At the same time, let Mercury’s breezy jaunt through airy Gemini fan the flames of your inner fire, blazing new trails of desire and expanding your mental landscape, one controlled burn at a time. Like pruning, a controlled burn whisks away the old, dead, and no-longer-necessary foliage in tufts of smoke and ash in order to create a clear and fertile environment for new growth. Like a forest, let yourself be born anew in the flames, free to flourish in new and wonderful ways.

This is your moment. The Universe is matching 100% your belief in yourself! How ready are you?!

Article written by Maddie Billings; Content curated and presented by Carly Whorton

Practicing Presence: Sun in Taurus + Mercury, Uranus, North Node Conjunctions | April / May 2022

Practicing Presence: Sun in Taurus + Mercury, Uranus, North Node Conjunctions | April / May 2022

Key Points

During the Sun’s stint in Taurus, it will make conjunctions with Uranus, on May 5, and the North Node on May 13. With all of this energy in Taurus, our patterns will be coming to the surface where we can really see them. Taurus is a very consistent and repetitive energy, making its energy more prone to getting stuck in comfortable ruts. This Taurus season will place a spotlight on these comfortable ruts and the patterns, habits, and routines they create in our life, which may have already outlived their usefulness.

Both Uranus and the North Node are dedicated to helping us make any necessary changes to fuel us onto our highest path. Taurus isn’t too interested in change, since it’s comfortable with being, well, comfortable – hence the classic Taurean reputation of being “stubborn.” It wants to find what works and just keep on doing that. So with the Sun’s conjunction to both Uranus and the North Node during this time, the possibility to make changes is much more real. 

With Mercury coming in and conjuncting both Uranus (April 18) and the North Node (April 23 and again on June 3) as well, change is not only possible but nearly inevitable. Though Taurus may dig its heels into the comfortable patterns a bit as you attempt to bring change to them, the energy of Taurus season is also the reason why we’re able to see these patterns so clearly at this time. Thank you, Taurus, for showing us the Wisdom of our Ways! There is always something to be learned about ourselves from the ways in which we live our lives, and without this awareness, change is not yet possible. This is what makes the combination of comfy Taurus and changemakers like Uranus, the North Node, and Mercury (and the upcoming eclipses) so powerful, brightly brimming with the possibility of positive change. 

These changes that are being revealed to us can, for the most part, be implemented in our own time. They’re for your soul’s highest good, yes, but they won’t take place overnight. You get to be the marshal of their unfolding. First comes stepping outside of our comfort zone, then acknowledging the changes as being for our highest good, and then energetically leaning in that direction, bit by bit, trusting that these changes will lead to higher pleasure and enjoyment out of life as we live more in alignment with our Truth. Taurus may be resistant to change, but when it does, it does so incrementally, shifting one degree each day in the direction of the change needed, helping us to remain present and calm throughout the process.

Transit #1: Sun Enters Taurus (April 21 – May 20)

Taurus season is upon us with its earthy, comfy simplicity (read more about Taurus here.) In this season, we slow down to smell the roses. Why? Because they smell good! And smelling that goodness creates an enjoyable and pleasurable experience, which is quite important to the sensual Bull. 

Are you living as pleasurable a life as you think you are? Enhancing your Taurus energy is a great place to begin the process of comprehending your current level of life enjoyment, and if it doesn’t match your preference, then taking measures to improve it. If you find yourself settling for less-than-satisfactory options, Taurus is here to encourage you to pass up the things that don’t strike your fancy, and instead wait for something that does. 

You can start getting into your Taurus energy by getting into your body. This is extra important if you’re currently feeling disconnected from your body, hating on it, or just dragging it around with you, living mostly in your head. Start with Breath, Sound, Movement, and Touch (watch a video about this concept here) and scan your body often for any tense or clenched muscles, relaxing them intentionally each time you notice one. When we disconnect from our body, our life force leaves with us. Bringing your awareness back into your body brings literal Life back into your body, back into the present moment. This is Embodiment, and it’s where the higher frequencies of Taurus energy invites us.

With this, we’ll naturally have better trust in our gut instincts while the Sun is in Taurus. Follow your instincts and see what happens, then act against your instincts and see what happens. How do they each feel? Taurus wants us to get familiar with the visceral feeling of trusting our gut and to pay attention to the results we get, hopefully encouraging us to trust it more and more over time.

Which seeds of your soul do you want to plant and grow? Taurus wants us to plant and grow the seeds of inner peace, of simplicity and enjoyment of life. We’re slowing down to really explore the depth of the present moment we’re in. Taurus is engaging us in a deeper and deeper and deeper state of presence, thus nudging us further into enjoyment and appreciation of our current reality. This is the simple power of presence – that when Presence builds, so too does Appreciation.

Transit #2: Sun & Mercury Conjunctions with Uranus & North Node in Taurus

Uranus and the North Node are both bringers of change and instigators of improvement, shaking us out of our habits and patterns and pushing us onto our highest path. Mercury will conjunct Uranus April 18, bringing innovative insights you’ve never thought of before. This is an ideal energy for rewriting and realigning your story of who you are. With the two parts of our mind coming together, higher mind Uranus and lower mind Mercury, our personal narrative will be in the forefront of our awareness. Is the story you’re telling yourself, about yourself, holding you back or propelling you forward? If it’s holding you back, now’s the time to find a new way to tell it that feels good to you and doesn’t box you into your limitations.

Mercury is consistent, while Uranus comes in bursts, explosions. Uranus gives us the download of who we could be, how we could be better, and Mercury helps us process that information and slowly integrate it. We could feel resistant to change, but don’t forget that this all happens in your own time. If Uranus drops a major revelation in your sphere, don’t feel like it all needs to happen immediately.

When Mercury conjuncts the North Node on April 23, it will come with a cosmic or karmic message for us to deliver or receive. It is a boost of empowerment to our voice, bringing our Taurean sense of inner peace into the vibration of our voice. New curiosities may be opening in your world or new hobbies unlocked, the discovery of which serves to show us our true potential in terms of intelligence. As Albert Einstein famously says, “If you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” You won’t know how brilliant you truly are if you haven’t found your “thing” yet, and this energy can help point you toward just that.

The Sun will be conjunct Uranus on May 5, highlighting Uranian themes of innovation, spontaneity, and radical self-actualization. With this conjunction, you can expect to experience either a boost to your authentic self, a re-energizing of your authenticity, or an illumination of the shadow patterns that are holding you back from truly Embodying your authentic self. It’s a very uncompromising energy, expressing your Soul Self without hindrance. In this space, self-awareness is traded for the even purer and truer state of just Being. Of being so tuned in to your body and so fully present that there’s nothing to really even be “aware” of – you’re just going with the flow of life.

With the Sun conjunct the North Node on May 13, it naturally opposes the South Node at the same time (since the Moon’s Nodes are always opposite one another,) which highlights any patterns of holding ourselves back from shining our light in the world. This positioning is showing us our heart’s desires as well as our resistance to expressing them. We’ll be able to see this internal push-and-pull dynamic fully illuminated. With this illumination, your desire to shine your light may be more pronounced, so when all the doubts, limiting beliefs, and inner criticism come out to shut that down, pay attention. Take a good look at these things that are holding you back from owning your authenticity. The concurrent courageous energy of Mars in Pisces (April 15 – May 24) can help us to step outside of those limiting beliefs and take a step closer to embodying our inner light.

In Conclusion

With all of this action happening in Taurus, the main idea is getting in our bodies and tuning in to their sensations. Do whatever you need to do to calm yourself. Allow your body to relax and let your defenses down. Remember – Breath, Sound, Movement, Touch. Every day. 

Slow it down and indulge in divine Presence. You don’t have to do this all day every day, but be mindful to carve out time for it each day. Only in the present moment can healing truly take place, and without this step, the transformation remaining from all of the recent Pisces energy can’t fully integrate. Bringing your awareness, your life force energy, into your body in the present moment will enhance your cultivation of inner peace. Steep yourself in the eternal moment and feel that heavenly wave of “ahhhhh” wash over you.

From here, true transformation toward our highest, brightest, truest, and best selves is not only possible, but inevitable.

Article written by Maddie Billings; Content curated and presented by Carly Whorton

Dream Now, Act Later: Neptune & Jupiter in Pisces, Spring Equinox, Sun in Aries

Dream Now, Act Later: Neptune & Jupiter in Pisces, Spring Equinox, Sun in Aries

These next four weeks will have big energy moving through the cosmos and our lives. The Jupiter conjunct Neptune transit in Pisces brings unbounded water energy, plus the cardinal-fire energy of Aries with its electric, primal life force energy is sure to bring visionary clarity to the big question of – who are you, really?