Heart Opening | Week of June 20 – 26 | Astrological Forecast

Key Upcoming Transits

  • Sun enters Cancer / Summer Solstice | June 21
  • Venus enters Gemini | June 23

The overarching theme of this week is: Connection. We’ll be recognizing this desire within ourselves as the energies of Cancer season and Venus in Gemini play out.

These two transits make a harmonious pair. The homebody energy of Cancer is balanced out by Venus in Gemini, an energy which gains a sense of relaxation through conversation, ideas, and interaction. Since Cancer tends to have a tough time venturing out of their bubble of safety, Venus in Gemini will assist us to still go out into the world, to keep forging ahead during this time, while also enjoying the comfortable safety of our nest (or shell 🦀).

Soul Prompts for This Week’s Energy

(Check out this week’s Astrology Energy video for a deeper description of these prompts)

Cancer Season

My best qualities are…

It’s easy to be around others who…

Venus in Gemini

I am good at listening when…

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