JUPITER: Energetic Archetype & Qualities of the Greater Benefic

A great way to understand Jupiter is that it either brings Excellence or Excess. It’s one or the other, with excellence being the highest frequency of Jupiter and excess being the lowest. Jupiter itself is pretty neutral, although it is the “greater benefic,” the bringer of good things. What it really brings though is opportunity, and with opportunity, it’s up to you to show up and put your skills, energy, and intention into it to maximize the potential.
CHIRON: The Mythology and Meaning of The Wounded Healer

Overview of Chiron Energy The first discovered of the Centaurs, Chiron is a comet/minor planet. Because it’s not actually a planet, it doesn’t have any official essential dignities (domicile, detriment, exaltation, or fall.) Discovered in 1977, Chiron is known as “the wounded healer.” Part of the point with the wounded healer is that even if […]
Chiron in Aries: The Wounded Masculine

Key Points Doubting of the self at a deep level. Feeling like, “unless I’ve already slayed the dragon, I don’t know if I can,” and learning how to believe you can do things you’ve never done before. Having the courage to be authentic. It takes guts to stop trying to be what everyone wants you […]
PLUTO: Energetic Archetype & Qualities

Pluto embodies the idea of “the only way out is through.” The ruler of death and rebirth, Pluto reminds us that endings and beginnings are all wrapped up into one – they’re inseparable. Like the phoenix rising from the ashes, it is only through our own demise that we may be reborn, released into a newer, higher reality than we left behind because we have become a newer and higher version of ourself.
GEMINI: An Energetic Overview & Guide to Embracing the Twins

Overview of the Gemini Archetype Gemini is the 3rd sign of the Zodiac and is a mutable air sign. Mutable signs mark the end of their season and are characterized by fluidity and flexibility, making Gemini the flexible thinker of the Zodiac. Ruled by: Mercury Modality: Mutable (Spring) Element: Air Gemini, symbolized by the Twins, […]
SUN: Energetic Archetype & Qualities

Overview of Sun Energy Essential Dignities The Sun is exalted in Aries, which means that it is in its “home away from home.” It feels most at home in Leo, but Aries is second-best. Domicile: Leo Detriment: Aquarius Exaltation: Aries Fall: Libra Joy: 9th House The Sun is the center of our solar system, around […]
MOON: Energetic Archetype & Qualities

Overview of Moon Energy Essential Dignities Domicile: Cancer Detriment: Capricorn Exaltation: Taurus Fall: Scorpio Joy: 3rd House The Moon is the ruler of the 4th House and the 4th sign of Cancer. It represents our emotions, sensitivities, intuition, and dominant mood or attitude. It’s an emotional filter, kind of like Mercury is our mental or […]
MERCURY: Energetic Archetype & Qualities

Mercury itself represents a mirror, showing you exactly what is. No bias. No agenda. Just what is. No person is a perfect mirror containing no biases – we can’t help it! That’s because our natal planets are each in signs, and our natal Mercury placement tells us how we pay attention.
LIBRA: An Energetic Overview & Guide to Embracing the Scales

Libra is ruled by Venus and is considered its masculine face. It rules the seventh house of partnership and is a cardinal air sign. Key aspects of Libra are serenity, relaxation, equilibrium, paradox, equity between opposites, art, aesthetic intelligence, beauty, releasing tension, seeing multiple sides to every situation, harmony, and cooperation.
TAURUS: An Energetic Overview & Guide to Embracing the Bull

Taurus is symbolized by the Bull, an animal which gains a more “aggressive” reputation due to its association with bullfighting, but truthfully is just a cow, which at its core is a very peaceful creature.