MERCURY: Energetic Archetype & Qualities

Mercury itself represents a mirror, showing you exactly what is. No bias. No agenda. Just what is. No person is a perfect mirror containing no biases – we can’t help it! That’s because our natal planets are each in signs, and our natal Mercury placement tells us how we pay attention.
LIBRA: An Energetic Overview & Guide to Embracing the Scales

Libra is ruled by Venus and is considered its masculine face. It rules the seventh house of partnership and is a cardinal air sign. Key aspects of Libra are serenity, relaxation, equilibrium, paradox, equity between opposites, art, aesthetic intelligence, beauty, releasing tension, seeing multiple sides to every situation, harmony, and cooperation.
TAURUS: An Energetic Overview & Guide to Embracing the Bull

Taurus is symbolized by the Bull, an animal which gains a more “aggressive” reputation due to its association with bullfighting, but truthfully is just a cow, which at its core is a very peaceful creature.
PISCES: An Energetic Overview & Guide to Embracing the Fish

Pisces is known for being the artistic, generous, self-sacrificial healers of the Zodiac. It’s a very ethereal energy, setting aside ego and identity and merging with source or higher power. It is the embodiment of true humility, not feeling superior to anyone or anything.
Navigate Your Natal Chart: An Introduction to Astrology (Part 1)

The Big Picture We are all twelve zodiac energies, not just one or two. Pop culture generally focuses on the sun sign – this is the one most people know and leads them to believe “I’m a Gemini” or “I’m a Taurus” and that’s that. But it’s not so! In truth – we are ALL, […]
The Art of Allowing: Let the Path Unfold Beneath Your Feet

Not too long ago I hosted my first-ever series of online events, a spotlight series on the Moon sign. The idea for this series was born in a moment of panic, when I was hosting an event and was asked a question that caught me off guard, that I didn’t have an answer for. In […]